Monday, February 4, 2008

John Locke's Ideas on Religion

Are the religious concepts that appear in the Second Treatise central to Locke's political argument? Why, or rather, exactly why not? In hopes of clarifying my essay, I will undertake a blog post involving ideas on both why religion is central to Locke's political argument and why religion is in fact NOT central to Locke's political argument?

Yep, Religion is Central to Locke's argument because
  • Locke mentions God so much...why would he bother if it wasn't revelent
  • People fo the time truly believed that the church and God were central to life, in order to make his argument seem valid to these lovely people
  • Acceptance with the common man is really important (since this is a main idea in the State of Nature and so on)...the best way to ensure success is to establish some common ground

No! Religion is a minor detail to John Locke

  • His ideas are all his own and he just uses God as some examples
  • He's a religious man but his ideas are totally separated from this
  • He mentions God for fun?
  • He reasons through some arguments without using religious terms exactly

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