Monday, November 12, 2007

Galileo Continued

Peaceful Coexistence. It sounds like we're talking about animals and how they fill different niches and stuff. (I'm such a bio nerd sometimes....) Can religion and science peacefully coexist? When do they come into conflict? How exactly did Galileo usher in the new era of free thought? Is that why his little book created such a huge uproar within the church? Lots of things to think about....

Galileo, according to Nathan, ushered a new era of choosing what to believe and how to believe. I think that this actually raised more conflict between religion and science. A person could no longer just stick with what their parents thought and completely erased the other from their thought process. With the new ideas swarming around, everything could be taken into account when deciding which path to take. I whole-heartedly believe that the conflict is internal and that people cannot erase biases when they make decisions. A person does not just forget about an entire book that contradicts what they already believe. Sure, they can reject the book as invalid, but in a little corner of the mind, the ideas still rest. When a person makes a decision they take into account so many things, whether on purpose or by accident.

This was probably the reason the Catholic Church did want these new ideas out in the open. People could read this material and take it into account when donating to the church (oh no!). Even if the good Italians did not believe Galileo, the book still showed that there is room for free thought everywhere! (This post is really a jumble of

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